Cat. No: 0408/Xmas

Content chocolate train (65 g total)
Product option white paper by default, kraft paper and ecru paper with the addition of grass fibers optional
Additional information molding made of R-PET (recycled PET)
Flavour milk chocolate 33% cocoa, white chocolate 36% cocoa butter, dark chocolate 57% cocoa, dark chocolate 72% cocoa, ruby chocolate 47% ruby cocoa, gold caramel chocolate 40% cocoa,
milk and honey chocolate 33% cocoa, sugar free milk chocolate 33% cocoa, plant based chocolate 42% cocoa, whole fruit chocolate 72% no sugar added
Dimensions 232 x 98 x 20 mm
Minimum order 100 pcs
Expiry date 8 months
Printing options digital printing

Possible content Smaki Czekolady

Other products in category Christmas sweets